Explore the Report
- Preface
- Executive Summary
- 1: Introduction
- 2: The Recommended Particle Physics Program
- 3: Decipher the Quantum Realm
- 4: Illuminate the Invisible Universe
- 5: Explore New Paradigms in Physics
- 6: Investing in the Future of Science and Technology
- 7: A Technologically Advanced Workforce for Particle Physics and the Nation
- 8: Budgetary Considerations
- Appendix
- Full List of Recommendations
- Acknowledgements
- In Memoriam
- Preface
- Executive Summary
- 1: Introduction
- Overview and Vision
- The Particle Physics Landscape
- Enabling Capabilities and National Initiatives
- Impact on Society
- Process and Criteria
- Roadmap to the Report
- 2: The Recommended Particle Physics Program
- Overview
- Recommendations
- The Path to 10 TeV pCM
- Stewardship of Key Infrastructure and Expertise
- International and Inter-Agency Partnerships
- Adapting to Alternative Budget Scenarios
- Figures
- 3: Decipher the Quantum Realm
- 4: Illuminate the Invisible Universe
- 5: Explore New Paradigms in Physics
- 6: Investing in the Future of Science and Technology
- Theory
- Advancing Science and Technology Through a Portfolio of Agile Experiments (ASTAE)
- Detector Instrumentation
- Particle Accelerators and R&D
- Collider R&D
- Facilities and Infrastructure
- Software, Computing, and Data Science
- Technology Innovations and Impact on Society
- Sustainability and the Environment
- 7: A Technologically Advanced Workforce for Particle Physics and the Nation
- 8: Budgetary Considerations
- Prioritization Principles
- Hard Choices for Baseline Budget Scenario
- Difficult Choices for Less Favorable Budget Scenario
- US Support for Scientific Discovery
- Appendix
- Charge to P5
- HEPAP Transmittal Letters
- Panel Members
- Process and Meetings
- Subcommittee on Cost, Risks, and Schedule
- Important References
- Conflict of Interest Resolution
- Acronyms & Glossary
- Full List of Recommendations
- Acknowledgements
- In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam

Meenakshi Narain, a highly respected member of the particle physics community, was a member of this panel. We were greatly saddened when she passed away on January 1, 2023. We express our deepest condolences to her family. Her passing was a devastating loss to our community.