2023 International Benchmarking

The Path to Global Discovery

U.S. Leadership and Partnership in Particle Physics

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Particle physics strives to discover and understand the world around us—from the smallest elementary particles to the largest scales in the universe—and, in doing so, to deliver paradigm-shifting ideas and to contribute to technologies that transform daily life.

Over the last century, particle physics ideas and discoveries have led to a remarkably beautiful and consistent picture of the fundamental building blocks of matter and laws of nature. This framework, known as the Standard Model, has come together through a continuing interplay between new theoretical ideas and experiments using state-of-the-art, pioneering technologies. The field’s innovative spirit and transformative findings also yield technologies and discoveries that advance other fields of science, medicine, and national security, impacting society, and more broadly, the human condition. The field’s most challenging endeavors, be they large or small, can require garnering the expertise and resources of many countries, leading to multi-national collaborations. The most important and pressing particle physics questions are being approached, essentially, as a global enterprise. By working together across borders, international collaborations have delivered the ideas, instrumentation, and major facilities that have yielded groundbreaking discoveries. To continue uncovering the mysteries of the universe, the field must build state-of-the-art precision experiments coupled with the world’s most powerful accelerators. Particle physicists must peer into the universe with the most advanced telescopes, and they must analyze the biggest datasets by developing and using the most advanced computational architecture and algorithms.

The U.S.’s current leadership in particle physics derives from a storied and successful history of international cooperation. However, the U.S.’s success in the next century in a global leadership role is not guaranteed. To be a leader as a partner abroad and a host at home, the U.S. must engage as a trailblazer in experiments of all scales (from small to mega scale). The U.S. must harness its expertise in areas where the country already excels, rekindle expertise in areas where the country has fallen behind, and engage strategically in new areas. The U.S. must also compete in an escalating pursuit of scientific talent and resources. Finally, to succeed in achieving world-class science, the U.S. must inspire the public as well as attract, train, and retain a diverse workforce of outstanding scientists and engineers. In doing so, the U.S. will continue to impact society more broadly as new technologies and new research areas, born from these endeavors, are applied to sectors beyond particle physics.

This report identifies seven key findings and recommendations that speak to the impact of particle physics, the complex landscape of ongoing efforts, and the international nature of the field, where forging successful collaborations is facilitated by having a good reputation as a partner or host nation.

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Scientific Breadth and Application

Key Finding

Particle physics theory and experiments address deep mysteries of the universe while advancing concepts and technology that are vital to other research fields as well as society at large.

Key Recommendation

Strengthen investments to advance particle physics discoveries as well as benefits to other scientific disciplines and society.

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Diversity Across Scales and Stages

Key Finding

The field of particle physics is a vibrant research ecosystem, built by an international network of partnering nations, facilities, experiments, and people. To be a leader, the U.S. must continuously produce scientific results, build facilities and experiments for the future, and advance new ideas and technologies that enable the discoveries of tomorrow.

Key Recommendation

Maintain a comprehensive program at home and abroad, with a range of experiment scales and strategic balance among construction projects, operations of experiments and facilities, and core research activities, including the development of future facilities.

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Collaborating Across the Globe

Key Finding

Frontier research in particle physics necessitates international collaboration and cooperation. The combined expertise and resources from nations around the world enable discoveries and technological advances impossible to achieve by any single nation. It is the global particle physics program that collectively addresses the burning scientific questions across the breadth of the field.

Key Recommendation

Continue support for and actively seek engagement with international collaborations and partnerships of all sizes.

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Being a Partner of Choice

Key Finding

Success in hosting and participating in international collaborations requires tailored approaches to collaboration governance and project management, host lab environments that are conducive to international research teams, and the ability to make reliable agreements with international partners.

Key Recommendation

Implement structures for hosting strong international collaborations, act with timeliness, consistently meet obligations, and facilitate open communication with partners.

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Strengthening Critical Capabilities

Key Finding

It is our state-of-the-art expertise in the tools, technology, and techniques of particle physics that makes the U.S. a sought-after partner and gives us the ability to impact future experiments at home and abroad.

Key Recommendation

Continuously develop critical technologies to maintain and grow U.S. leadership in particle physics at home and abroad.

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Advancing National Initiatives

Key Finding

The national initiatives in artificial intelligence and machine learning, quantum information science, and microelectronics are accelerating new research avenues in particle physics, and particle physics contributions to these initiatives are bringing new ideas and new technologies to a range of disciplines.

Key Recommendation

Enhance and leverage the innovative role that particle physics plays in artificial intelligence and machine learning, quantum information science, and microelectronics to advance both particle physics and these national initiatives.

Illustration by Kimberly Boustead for U.S. Particle Physics

Building a Robust Workforce

Key Finding

Attracting, inspiring, training, and retaining a diverse workforce is vital to the success of all particle physics endeavors and more broadly to U.S. science and technology. A robust particle physics workforce will both leverage and be representative of the diversity of the nation.

Key Recommendation

Explore frontier science using cutting-edge technologies to inspire the public and the next generation of scientists while opening new pathways to diversify the workforce and realize the full potential of the field.